The ICL's Sil-Mod plan committee has been working with the county to help with drafting their new wireless ordinance. Because the Sil-Mod plan was adopted in the late 70s, it never envisioned the type of wireless infrastructure build-out we now are seeing. As carriers multiply and expand, and utilities enter, wireless expansion is increasing almost daily. So we've been working to get the county's new wireless ordinance to reflect the overall goals of the Sil-Mod plan and prevent unnecessary and unsightly proliferation of new wireless structures that would adversely impact our canyon's viewsheds in the future. This is not related to wireless coverage. It is just about where and how wireless facilities can be permitted and built. Many canyon residents in fact would welcome expanded wireless coverage in the residential canyon areas as it is currently poor in many areas. Nor is this ordinance concerned with wireless safety. Both of these are FCC matters. The Orange County Register did a very thorough article on this, which also explains what the state is doing at the behest of industry lobbyists that could undo all the hard work that the county has put into it. That article is available here. | Steve Duff ICL Vice-President |
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