IRWD is converting the northern segment of its Irvine Lake Pipeline to recycled water. During the months of December 2016 and January 2017, contractors' trucks will be utilizing E. Santiago Canyon Road near Jamboree and the 241 Toll Road to transport dirt and materials. Traffic delays are possible on Santiago Canyon Road during peak traffic hours. For more information, please click here to visit the IRWD site. |
At its Nov. 2016 meeting, the ICL board voted to send the following letter to O.C. Development Director Colby Cataldi. The letter was originally drafted by local realtor Russell Taylor. It asks for a meeting to resolve permitting issues with older canyon homes.
Click the read more link below/right to read the letter.
The slides also list changes under consideration at OC Planning for Santiago Canyon Road in the medium and longer term. These include adding four one-mile-long passing lanes, flashing speed warning signs, high-friction surfacing, lane delineators and metal guardrails. If you have questions or comments on this project, here is the OCPW contact: Khalid Bazmi, P.E. [email protected] (714) 667-3213
Below are slides presented by O.C. Public Works given at the Oct. 2016 ICL regular meeting on bridge repairs being conducted throughout Silverado Canyon. They have promised there will be no road closures, though there may be delays at times during the day.
You can view the slides here. Use the arrow box at the lower right of the frame to view them full screen. If you want to download these slides, you can download the full meeting document package for the Oct. 4th, 2016 regular ICL meeting by clicking here. At its Oct. 2016 meeting, the ICL board voted to send the following letter to O.C. Public Works in support of a standardized memorial sign for a cyclist recently killed by a DUI driver on Santiago Canyon Road. The family of the victim and OCPW had both requested ICL's input. Click the "Read More" line see the letter.
We have received an email from OCPW that they will be installing cameras to monitor road & flood channel conditions in preparation of storm events. You can download the full notification PDF from OCPW using the link below. For more information, contact Melanie Tep at OCPW: Melanie Tep Strategic Communications Specialist OC Public Works Office: 714.667.1618 [email protected] ![]()
Orange County Fire Authority has obtained a grant that runs through March of 2018 to provide assistance to homeowners in clearing back brush and tree branches from private roads and driveways. Sorry, no yard cleanups.
All work will be performed free of charge. For more information, contact Kim Brown at OCFA: [email protected] (714) 573-6175 (Update 6/7/16: OC Public Works has told us Verizon has not yet responded to the original plan check comments. We will keep tabs on the issue and let you know of developments)
Following our May meeting where the Verizon proposal was outlined to the membership, ICL submitted its comments letter to O.C. Public Works regarding the project. These comments had been requested by OCPW in April. At the May ICL meeting. The ICL comments letter is available for download on our 2016 Documents page, click here. Our original blog post on the matter is below. We will continue to post here as we get more information. For those who were unable to attend the April 2016 ICL meeting with Supervisor Spitzer and other county representatives, we have posted below both the video record of the meeting as well as O.C. Development director Colby Cataldi's slides.
There is also a time-annotated summary of the video prepared by so you can find the highlights. The audio a little difficult in places, you may need to turn up your volume in places. (Click the Read More link below to view the rest of this post.)
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