At its Oct. 2016 meeting, the ICL board voted to send the following letter to O.C. Public Works in support of a standardized memorial sign for a cyclist recently killed by a DUI driver on Santiago Canyon Road. The family of the victim and OCPW had both requested ICL's input. Click the "Read More" line see the letter.
Text of the Letter:
The Inter-Canyon League was asked by county officials to comment on a request by the family of a deceased bicyclist killed in a tragic accident to have a memorial sign honoring him erected along Santiago Canyon Road, which they believe could help save other lives.
The ICL does not have jurisdiction over this decision, but we appreciate that the county and the family have taken time to solicit input from the canyon community. We encourage others who wish to comment to county officials to do so as well. We surveyed ICL members and the community, and a majority favor supporting this request as a fitting tribute, with conditions. We would also like to inform county officials that a vocal segment of respondents are adamantly opposed to this sign or any additional signage on this back country road.
The ICL board endorses the request if it complies with county sign regulations for this scenic corridor as well as state regulations, and if it is sited in the following stretch: heading south from Orange toward Mission Viejo past the informal signs at the corner of Jamboree Road and Santiago Canyon Road, up to the entrance to the 241 and 261 toll roads. This is the “gateway” to the back country area and an appropriate location. If possible, consider re-using a former forest service sign in this area that is now vacant rather than erecting a new sign.
We also note that several people think the fees charged to survivors of fatal accidents for these signs are too high, and ask county staff to determine if such payments are necessary.
Signatures of the Board
The Inter-Canyon League was asked by county officials to comment on a request by the family of a deceased bicyclist killed in a tragic accident to have a memorial sign honoring him erected along Santiago Canyon Road, which they believe could help save other lives.
The ICL does not have jurisdiction over this decision, but we appreciate that the county and the family have taken time to solicit input from the canyon community. We encourage others who wish to comment to county officials to do so as well. We surveyed ICL members and the community, and a majority favor supporting this request as a fitting tribute, with conditions. We would also like to inform county officials that a vocal segment of respondents are adamantly opposed to this sign or any additional signage on this back country road.
The ICL board endorses the request if it complies with county sign regulations for this scenic corridor as well as state regulations, and if it is sited in the following stretch: heading south from Orange toward Mission Viejo past the informal signs at the corner of Jamboree Road and Santiago Canyon Road, up to the entrance to the 241 and 261 toll roads. This is the “gateway” to the back country area and an appropriate location. If possible, consider re-using a former forest service sign in this area that is now vacant rather than erecting a new sign.
We also note that several people think the fees charged to survivors of fatal accidents for these signs are too high, and ask county staff to determine if such payments are necessary.
Signatures of the Board