The county needs to replace the box culvert on Silverado Canyon Road near Smisek Ranch Road. The current runoff runs over the road, and the existing drainage is not working. Regina Hu, a senior engineer from county public works, along with two others presented on this at the Nov. ICL meeting to explain details and answer questions. Her presentation slides are at the bottom of this post and they give details of the project. |
The work will start in mid-November and run into early February 2016. Most of the work will be completed in December. It will include new inlet and outlet structures, permanent metal beam guard rails, and replanting a tree and revegetation. The road will be reduced to one-lane at times during construction, and there also may be brief intervals where it is closed to allow construction vehicles around. Work is contracted through Excel Paving. |
► Here is the contact information for the county regarding this project ◄
• General Questions: Shannon Widor, OCPW (714) 667-9759 [email protected] „• Construction Concerns: Robert Valle, OCPW (714) 245-4525 office; (714) 856-4598 cell [email protected] |
► Here is the presentation the county gave on this at the Nov. ICL meeting ◄